As the sun sets slowly in the west, we bid 2018 a fond farewell!
Last month, I reflected upon 2018 and celebrated all of the empowering moments and opportunities that presented themselves to me throughout the year. Overall, it was a long year of fluid progress and accomplishment. After closing the book on 2018, I began looking forward to all of the great possibilities that lie ahead in the new year! While I came upon a great many blessings last year, I never established a solid plan or any strict goals for the year. My main focus was getting my life back on track and restoring my footing from all the stumbles of a toxic 2017. This year, I would like to document my plans, goals, and expectations for 2019. Come next December I will know how spot-on or far off base my year was from how it was expected to be. Let’s talk about my plans and expectations for this brand new year!
I have divided my goals for 2019 into a few different groups. I like to classify and track each goal according to the main areas of my life which make me “whole.” These main areas break down into personal, health, work, school, home, and social categories. Each goal that I have fits into one or more of those main areas of my life because the ultimate goal is for me to be my best self. So let’s start by looking at my personal goals.
An example of a personal goal, for me, is something “non-essential” to my well-being that helps me construct my best life. It can be a training, a voluntary deed, books to read, stories to write, places to visit, and everything in between. A couple of personal goals I have this year are to publish (or at least copyright) a small collection of my original poetry and to continue working towards purchasing my dream car: a Jeep Grand Cherokee Altitude. I’ve already made tremendous progress with my writing pursuits this past year. I created my website in 2018, and for the past year, I have been creating blogs and other creative content to share on my platform. I am closer than ever to publishing my work and having it accessible to all who share the same passion as me! I’ve wanted a Jeep for the past few years, but other areas of growth and adulthood, such as “emptying the nest,” have taken precedence. I already have a functional and long-lasting truck that I love, so I’m not in a terrible hurry to upgrade!
In earlier posts, I described, in great length, the substantial amount of weight I have lost since 2016. I am down 80+ pounds, and I look forward to seeing how much progress I can make towards this goal in 2019. I started living a “keto” lifestyle around May of 2018, so I will be approaching a one year benchmark for this particular journey. I have incorporated monthly progress photos and measurements to track my weight loss this year accurately! Another health goal I have for 2019 is increasing my practicing of yoga and meditation. I started doing yoga in 2017, and I was surprised by how physically demanding and empowering it was. It’s been a while since I’ve done either and I’m noticing an increase in the amount of day-to-day stress I carry, so it must be time to start back up!
Surprisingly, I’ve already met one of my work goals for 2019, which was to find and pursue more marketing and communications projects! Last Friday, I was unanimously appointed the chair of a Marketing and Communications Committee within my department. This appointment was a massive moment for my professional career, as it presented an opportunity for me to demonstrate my abilities.
I look forward to starting that work and seeing where it gets me in 2019! Like any young professional, I also seek an entry-level position in 2019. I am a firm believer in accomplishing anything you’re willing to work hard for, so after a hard-fought 2018, and what will surely be a harder-fought 2019, I fully expect and hope to be a great many places, professionally, in 2019.
This year, I will be earning my Associate of Arts from Macomb Community College! An Associate’s degree is far from my educational end game, but I am still beyond excited for what my first graduation ceremony will represent. This ceremony symbolizes the closing of a 6-year chapter of life and the beginning of another. I was working 50 hours a week at Speedway two years ago, without the slightest hope of graduating with a Bachelor’s degree, let alone continuing community college courses. This ceremony represents perseverance, hard work, and the exciting journey that lies ahead. I will also reach junior status at Wayne State University upon the conclusion of the winter semester. I am currently taking and dominating, the astronomy class that I feared failing, which is its own success for 2019. I must say, I am off to a great start with school this year. Slowly, but surely, I am catching myself up and accomplishing things I never thought I would have the opportunity to.
In a slightly last-minute decision, I have decided to move again this year! You heard it here first! Last week, I found the most charming and homey apartment on my side of town. It is a top-floor unit with a beautiful, welcoming entryway, a large, beautiful kitchen with a window, a full laundry room, a lovely door-wall that opens to the balcony, a beyond-spacious bathroom, and a bedroom with a built-in shoe closet! It may not sound like anything special, but it is my ideal apartment. It offers all the feel and appeal of a cozy condo, for a rental price and the perk of free maintenance! I will be moving in March, and I’ve already begun brainstorming paint, artwork, and decor ideas to make this home a true sanctuary. Eventually, I would like to own a condo with vaulted ceilings, stainless steel appliances, marble countertops, a master suite, and an attached garage. I’m waiting to buy a condo before adopting a dog! If I continue to put the work in, this move may not be far away.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit of a recluse. Although I have no issue in social settings, I do not often seek them out. This year, I would like to make a point to schedule more social outings with friends and family. Over the past few months, I have been all about finding a healthy balance between personal, work, and student life. For whatever reason, and perhaps it is natural, I find myself paying more attention to one area of life than another, and I can tell when this starts to happen because I begin to feel a little stressed and a little empty. I find that I am most proud of myself when all areas of my life are flourishing equally, so I plan to dedicate little bits of time here and there to reflection and course correction. I am hoping that I place a higher value on friendship and find more mundane things to look forward to outside of work and student life!
So that’s it! These are my plans for 2019. Most of my goals for this year are a continuation of last year’s blessings. Nothing is too far-fetched, too tricky, or too much to ask. Most importantly, each goal is something I truly wish to accomplish. There is no greater feeling than knowing what you want out of life and knowing exactly how to get it! I look forward to a full year of opportunity, a full year of hard work, and a full year of success! If you have goals and dreams that you would like to bring to fruition this year, try following some of these same steps. Start by identifying your most valuable areas of life. Once you have done this, establishing goals to keep each area happy and balanced should come much easier! Setting goals will be your smartest move of the new year!
Happy 2019!!
Header photo courtesy of Swimming World Magazine.